Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hiding The Truth About Losing The War On Cancer

By Tony Isaacs

For well over half a century we have been promised by mainstream medicine that a cure or major breakthrough for cancer was just around the corner. Every year we see promising new drugs and therapies announced. Yet every year we also see more people contract cancer and more people die of cancer.

Instead of focusing on natural and safe methods of prevention and treatment, we continue to treat by using surgery, chemotherapy and radiation to cut out, poison out and burn out the symptoms of cancer while leaving the underlying causes untreated - and we continue to largely ignore the role that proper diet, nutrition and lifestyle plays in preventing and helping cure cancer.

Although surgery does have some success against a limited number of cancers, chemo and radiation achieve at best a 3% increase in length of survival and true cures from cancer (meaning that the patient becomes completely cancer free and the cancer never returns). The fact is that for those who are diagnosed with cancer, after the third year the survival rate for those who had no treatment at all increases steadily and for those who had mainstream treatment it decreases steadily.

Sources: Dr. Ralph Moss and Webster Kehr, the "Cancer Tutor"

Despite the dismal record, those in the $300 Billion a year cancer industry appear determined to maintain a stranglehold on treatment. One way they do so is to suppress natural alternatives. Another is to misreport their success rates by altering statistics to make their success appear to be much better than it actually is.

Here are six ways that mainstream medicine misreports their statistics:

1. By re-defining "cure" as "alive five years after diagnosis: instead of using the word's real meaning, which is "cancer-free". Thus a patient could still have cancer the entire five years and die one day after the 5th anniversary date of diagnosis and still be recorded as a cure.

2. By simply omitting certain groups of people, such as African Americans, or by omitting certain types of cancer, such as all lung cancers patients, from their statistical calculations.

3. By including types of cancer that are not life-threatening and are easily curable, such as skin cancers and DCIS.

The statistics most commonly reported include many such easily curable cancers, such as localized cancers of the cervix, non-spreading cancers and melanomas, as well as "cancers" that many feel are not true cancers at all, merely pre-cances. For example, DCIS is a pre-cancerous condition that is 99% curable and makes up 30% of all breast cancers. Deduct that 30% from the breast cancer cure rates and survival statistics and and the figures are much less impressive.

4. By allowing earlier detection to erroneously imply longer survival.

5. By deleting patients from cancer treatment studies who die too soon, even if that is on the 89th day of a 90 day chemotherapy protocol.

6. By using a questionable adjustment called "relative survival rate" where they get to deduct a certain number of cancer victims who statistics say would have died during the five years of other causes such as heart attacks, car wrecks, etc.

Source: Tanya Harter Pierce "Outsmart Your Cancer"

These outrageous "fudges", as Ms. Harter too kindly calls them, have all been incorporated into cancer cure statistics to hide the fact that the war on cancer has been hopelessly lost and wrongly waged. In the opinion of many who are far more knowledgeable and qualified than I am, the so-called War on Cancer is little more than a hoax.

"Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud and that the major cancer research organisations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them." - Linus Pauling PhD (Two-time Nobel Prize winner).

"The National Anti-Cancer Program is a bunch of sh*t." - James Watson, Nobel Laureate for Medicine in 1962 , joint discoverer of the double helix of DNA, and for two years a member of the US Joint Advisory Committee on Cancer

When it comes to mainstream successes, of the three major mainstream treatment methods, surgery is the only one with respectable success rates and even then it is only successful the vast majority of the time in those who have operable types of cancer that has not yet metastasized at the time of diagnosis - and most cancers are not detected prior to metastasizing.

When it comes to Chemo, in the words of Dr. Ralph Moss:

"Chemo has some success in a few kinds of cancer, but in the conventional cancers which chemotherapy sometimes "works" such as small-cell lung cancers, the actual survival benefit is reckoned in weeks or months, not in years. And during this time, the patient is likely to experience major, even life threatening, side effects from the treatment, so the overall advantage to the patient is moot."

Radiation results are even more dismal. In some studies, patients who opted for radiation have had lower survival rates than those who did not have radiation.

Sources: Tanya Harter Pierce, Dr. Rath Foundation

Another common deception of mainstream medicine is to quote "response rates", which is defined as having a 50% tumor shrinkage for a period of twelve months. It has nothing to do with cure rates or long term survival, but it is the statistic that is often quoted to patient by their oncologists.

Yet another deception is the use of the term "remission" to imply cure, when it is nothing of the sort. As "the Cancer Tutor" Webster Kehr writes in "The War Between Orthodox Medicine and Alternative Medicine"

First of all, the National Cancer Institute defines "remission" as:

"A decrease in or disappearance of signs and symptoms of cancer. In partial remission, some, but not all, signs and symptoms of cancer have disappeared. In complete remission, all signs and symptoms of cancer have disappeared, although cancer still may be in the body." NCI -

What exactly does this definition mean relative to the three "treatment decision criteria" . . . You, the citizen, are supposed to assume that "remission" means a person is cured of their cancer. But that is not what the definition states. It states there is an absence of "signs and symptoms." So is there a correlation between the absence of "signs and symptoms" and the three treatment decision criteria above?

Generally, the determination of remission is based on a reduction in the size of the tumor or in the change of some tumor marker. These things may indicate the number of cancer cells in the body, but they are very, very crude estimates of the number of cancer cells in the body. These numbers also do not measure the pain and suffering of the patient (i.e. the quality of life) or the status of the immunity system, which is very, very important if all of the cancer cells have not been killed.

And then there is what is likely the greatest mainstream deception of all: the millions of people who are diagnosed with cancer, but actually die from the damages done by chemotherapy and radiation, most frequently major organ failure. All of those deaths are recorded as due to cancer. Though that does not bolster the mainstream cancer treatment success rates, it helps hide the dangers and deaths due to mainstream treatments.

It should be plain that the war against cancer is not being won - and to continue to claim otherwise after over half a century begs the question of why such obviously false and misleading claims and statistics. In this respect, one is reminded of the Vietnam War, where we were told that we won every battle and that we killed many more of the enemy in every skirmish. And yet the war was a failure and in the end we admitted it, stopped deceiving the public, and moved on to a different approach to stop the needless loss of lives. Today it appears that the war with Iraq will ultimately end the same way.

The war against cancer has lasted much longer and we have lost millions and millions of lives. After over half a century of failure, one has to ask how long will it take to admit it, stop deceiving the public, and move on to a different approach to stop the needless loss of lives?

Diets And Cancer: 3 Reasons Why You Could Be Creating More Cancer Cells To Your Body Everyday

By Natalie Williams

A lot of people believe cancers just happen. Cancers develop if you follow an unhealthy diet full of cancer causing food over a prolonged period of time. Certain food have a lot of cancer promoting substances called carcinogens. In this article, we shall explore 3 common types of carcinogens present in a typical person's diet, what food we should eat and shouldn't eat to prevent cancer.

Acrylamide In Food: Should I Be Worried?

Acrylamide has been used in industries that specialize in the creation of plastic, manufacturing of food packaging and treatment of contaminated water. Unknown to most of us, scientists recently discoverd that acrylamide can be created during high temperature cooking methods like microwaving, frying, roasting and baking. Acrylamide has been attested to cause cancer in animals but no concrete link has been found to indicate this happens in human beings even though acrylamide is extremely unhealthly for our bodies. French fries have been tested to contain the greatest levels of acrylamide, followed by certain brands of potato chips, breakfast cereals, cookies, brewed coffee and toast bread according to the US FDA/CFSAN 2006 Exposure Assessment for Acrylamide.

Sodium Nitrate: Why You Should Avoid It

Sodium nitrate is a standard food additive of processed meat. It is used to prolong the reddish color of meat to make it look more delicious to eat at the expense of your health. During the digestion process of sodium nitrate, nitrosamine is created and this is what promotes the development of cancer cells. Sodium nitrate can be found in processed meat like hot dogs, bacon, ham, bologna, luncheon meat and pepperoni.

Trans Fat: The Worst Fat In The World

Trans fat or trans-fatty acids (TFAs) ranks as the worst kind of fat. The problem with trans fat is because it was transformed from it's vegetable oil form to a semi-solid state through the use of hydrogen. Some companies do this to save money, to improve flavor stability and to extend the shelf life of their products. Our bodies do not readily take in these hydrogenated oils and it takes a lot of extra energy to try to digest it effectively, as a result, sections of it sticks to our arteries if we do not burn it off through exercise. What's worse, trans fat promotes the development of bad cholesterol and reduces the levels of good cholesterol, increasing your risk of heart disease. Trans fat is frequently found in hydrogenated oils, commercially deep-fried food, food with vegetable shortening, partially hydrogenated oils and pastries.

Eating To Prevent Cancer

It is ideal for all of us to restrict or eliminate our consumption of processed food that contain the 3 carcinogens above and other unhealthy substances such as salt, sugar, cigarettes and alcohol. However, it is not easy for people to choose to have a healthy body over the enjoyment of good food. The decision is up to you to decide which is more important to you. At the minimum, consume as much organic vegetables, fruit and meat as you can. Having a diet made of antioxidants, fiber and nutrients from raw vegetables and fruit should help you steer clear from cancer. As a general rule, eat what nature intended us to eat and avoid man-made food.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Cancer is a group of diseases in which cells are aggressive (grow and divide without respect to normal limits), invasive (invade and destroy adjacent tissues), and/or metastatic (spread to other locations in the body). These three malignant properties of cancers differentiate them from benign tumors, which are self-limited in their growth and do not invade or metastasize (although some benign tumor types are capable of becoming malignant). Cancer may affect people at all ages, even fetuses, but risk for the more common varieties tends to increase with age.[1] Cancer causes about 13% of all deaths.[2] Apart from humans, forms of cancer may affect other animals and plants.
Nearly all cancers are caused by abnormalities in the genetic material of the transformed cells. These abnormalities may be due to the effects of carcinogens, such as tobacco smoke, radiation, chemicals, or infectious agents. Other cancer-promoting genetic abnormalities may be randomly acquired through errors in DNA replication, or are inherited, and thus present in all cells from birth. Complex interactions between carcinogens and the host genome may explain why only some develop cancer after exposure to a known carcinogen. New aspects of the genetics of cancer pathogenesis, such as DNA methylation, and microRNAs are increasingly being recognized as important.
Genetic abnormalities found in cancer typically affect two general classes of genes. Cancer-promoting oncogenes are often activated in cancer cells, giving those cells new properties, such as hyperactive growth and division, protection against programmed cell death, loss of respect for normal tissue boundaries, and the ability to become established in diverse tissue environments. Tumor suppressor genes are often inactivated in cancer cells, resulting in the loss of normal functions in those cells, such as accurate DNA replication, control over the cell cycle, orientation and adhesion within tissues, and interaction with protective cells of the immune system.
Cancer is usually classified according to the tissue from which the cancerous cells originate, as well as the normal cell type they most resemble. These are location and histology, respectively. A definitive diagnosis usually requires the histologic examination of a tissue biopsy specimen by a pathologist, although the initial indication of malignancy can be symptoms or radiographic imaging abnormalities. Most cancers can be treated and some cured, depending on the specific type, location, and stage. Once diagnosed, cancer is usually treated with a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. As research develops, treatments are becoming more specific for different varieties of cancer. There has been significant progress in the development of targeted therapy drugs that act specifically on detectable molecular abnormalities in certain tumors, and which minimize damage to normal cells. The prognosis of cancer patients is most influenced by the type of cancer, as well as the stage, or extent of the disease. In addition, histologic grading and the presence of specific molecular markers can also be useful in establishing prognosis, as well as in determining individual treatments.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Cervical Cancer II

Four types of standard treatment are used:1. Surgery Surgery (removing the cancer in an operation) is sometimes used to treat cervical cancer. The following surgical procedures may be used:

Conization: A procedure to remove a cone-shaped piece of tissue from the cervix and cervical canal. A pathologist views the tissue under a microscope to look for cancer cells. Conization may be used to diagnose or treat a cervical condition. This procedure is also called a cone biopsy.

Total hysterectomy: A surgical procedure to remove the uterus, including the cervix. If the uterus and cervix are taken out through the vagina, the operation is called a vaginal hysterectomy. If the uterus and cervix are taken out through a large incision (cut) in the abdomen, the operation is called a total abdominal hysterectomy. If the uterus and cervix are taken out through a small incision in the abdomen using a laparoscope, the operation is called a total laparoscopic hysterectomy.

Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy: A surgical procedure to remove both ovaries and both fallopian tubes.

• Radical hysterectomy: A surgical procedure to remove the uterus, cervix, and part of the vagina. The ovaries, fallopian tubes, or nearby lymph nodes may also be removed.

Pelvic exenteration: A surgical procedure to remove the lower colon, rectum, and bladder. In women, the cervix, vagina, ovaries, and nearby lymph nodes are also removed. Artificial openings (stoma) are made for urine and stool to flow from the body to a collection bag. Plastic surgery may be needed to make an artificial vagina after this operation.

Cryosurgery: A treatment that uses an instrument to freeze and destroy abnormal tissue, such as carcinoma in situ. This type of treatment is also called cryotherapy.

Laser surgery: A surgical procedure that uses a laser beam (a narrow beam of intense light) as a knife to make bloodless cuts in tissue or to remove a surface lesion such as a tumor.
Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP):

1. A treatment that uses electrical current passed through a thin wire loop as a knife to remove abnormal tissue or cancer.

2. Radiation therapy Radiation therapy is a cancer treatment that uses high-energy x-rays or other types of radiation to kill cancer cells. There are two types of radiation therapy. External radiation therapy uses a machine outside the body to send radiation toward the cancer. Internal radiation therapy uses a radioactive substance sealed in needles, seeds, wires, or catheters that are placed directly into or near the cancer. The way the radiation therapy is given depends on the type and stage of the cancer being treated.

3. Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that uses drugs to stop the growth of cancer cells, either by killing the cells or by stopping the cells from dividing. When chemotherapy is taken by mouth or injected into a vein or muscle, the drugs enter the bloodstream and can reach cancer cells throughout the body (systemic chemotherapy). When chemotherapy is placed directly into the spinal column, an organ, or a body cavity such as the abdomen, the drugs mainly affect cancer cells in those areas (regional chemotherapy). The way the chemotherapy is given depends on the type and stage of the cancer being treated.

What are the side effects of treatment for cancer of the cervix?

It is hard to limit the effects of therapy so that only cancer cells are removed or destroyed. Because treatment also damages healthy cells and tissues, it often causes unpleasant side effects.The side effects of cancer treatment depend mainly on the type and extent of the treatment. Also, each patient reacts differently. Patients who eat well often feel better and have more energy. In addition, they may be better able to handle the side effects of treatment. Eating well during cancer treatment means getting enough calories and protein to prevent weight loss and regain strength. Doctors and nurses can explain the possible side effects of treatment, and they can help relieve symptoms that may occur during and after treatment. It is important to let the doctor know if any side effects occur.

What happens after treatment for cancer of the cervix?

Regular follow-up exams; including a pelvic exam, a Pap test, and other laboratory tests, are very important for any woman who has been treated for precancerous changes or for cancer of the cervix. The woman should have frequent tests and exams for several years so that the doctor can check for any signs that the condition has returned. Cancer treatment can cause side effects many years later. For this reason, patients should continue to have regular checkups and should report any health problems that appear. Living with a serious disease is not easy. Cancer patients and those who care about them face many problems and challenges. Coping with these problems is often easier when people have helpful information and support services. Several useful booklets, including the National Cancer Institute booklet, Taking Time, are available from the Cancer Information Service. Cancer patients may worry about holding their job, caring for their family, or keeping up with daily activities. Worries about tests, treatments, hospital stays, and medical bills are common. Doctors, nurses, and other members of the health care team can answer questions about treatment, working, or other activities. Also, meeting with a social worker, counselor, or a member of the clergy can be helpful to patients who want to talk about their feelings or discuss their concerns.Friends and relatives can be very supportive. Also, it helps many patients to discuss their concerns with others who have cancer. Cancer patients often get together in support groups, where they can share what they have learned about coping with cancer and the effects of treatment. It is important to keep in mind, however, that each patient is different. Treatments and ways of dealing with cancer that work for one person may not be right for another, even if they both have the same kind of cancer. It is a good idea to discuss the advice of friends and family members with the doctor.Often, a social worker at the hospital or clinic can suggest groups that can help with rehabilitation, emotional support, financial aid, transportation, or home care. For example, the American Cancer Society has many services for patients and their families. They also offer many free booklets, including one on sexuality and cancer. Local offices of the American Cancer Society are listed in the white pages of the telephone directory.


(Keep in mind, CAAT is much more than just a “diet”; it is an amino acid, carbohydrate, & glucose REDUCTION protocol which strategically uses the chemical reactions of amino acids, foods, and nutritional supplements to impair the development of cancer cells, thus starving them to death.) Clinical trials have already been done with humans using amino acid depravation formulas, and with much success.
(Journal American Medical Association. 1967; 200:211)

CAAT is a course of therapy to control a patient’s amino acid intake. This is achieved by taking certain foods out of a persons’ daily food plan for a short time and by replacing them with a scientifically supported formula of amino acids. It is also important to emphasize that the food plan that accompanies the amino acid formula needs to be followed so not to offset any of the benefits we are creating by depriving the cancer cells the nutrients they need to grow. Also, it is important to realize that the patient does not need to abandon their conventional cancer treatment, (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, hormone treatments) nor is it recommended that they do so unless it has already failed them. CAAT works synergistically with chemotherapy and/or radiation to enhance their benefits (see study by Dr. Marco Rabinowitz of the National Cancer Institute). His report on amino acid deprivation, such as with Controlled Amino Acid Therapy (CAAT), proven to inhibit phosphofructokinase which shuts down the energy supply to cancer cells, simultaneously enhancing the benefits of chemotherapy while lessening their toxic side effects. CAAT has also proven to work successfully alone.

Phase 1: CAAT Formulation
The most important component of CAAT is the scientifically formulated amino acids. Based on the specific formula for each cancer, it consists of separate amino acids, citric acid, and small amounts of sodium benzoate. Each formula replaces most of the regular daily proteins found in meats, dairy, fish, beans and nuts, which cancer cells can derive their energy from. The CAAT formula taken two times per day will nourish the healthy cells while causing the cancer cells to starve to death. Of course each individual has specific needs concerning their diet, and this is explained in the second phase of the protocol as well as with a specialist at the Institute when beginning the CAAT therapy.

Phase 2: Daily Food Intake
DISCLAIMER: The following food program SHOULD NOT be consumed without the amino acid formula and without consent from your doctor and our Institute.
Breakfast:*1/2 Grapefruit or 1-orange or 6-ounces of fresh orange juice.Whey Enhanced Protein (Vanilla Flavor – Vitamin Shoppe Brand) approximately10 – 12 grams of protein – read label carefully, based on 150 lb. person ].A serving of Grits (Butter, cinnamon and other spices are okay).1 cup of green or black tea (Fructose is sweetener of choice).* Do Not have ½ grapefruit if taking Chemotherapy

Explanation: ½ Grapefruit or 1 orange or 6 ounces of fresh orange juice are rich in the natural nutrients called Limonene and Citric Acid. Limonene helps shut down the Ras cancer gene which is over active in 90 percent of all cancers. Citric Acid helps shut down glycolosis which in turn helps starve cancer cells to death.

Whey Enhanced Protein (Vanilla Flavor – Vitamin Shoppe Brand) Phosphorus is a nutrient that cancer cells must utilize in order to grow and reproduce. This brand of whey protein is very low in phosphorous and contains no additional vitamins, so when using approximately 10 – 12 grams of protein per 150 lb. person, it helps to protect normal cells, maintain a normal appetite, and also helps to fight edema. (Edema is the swelling or water build up in the legs or other sites in the body)Whey protein is included in the daily menu of all advanced or metastatic cancer patients. When treating cancers that are stable or have regressed in size, patients then have the option of including other protein foods at their breakfast meals such as cottage cheese, yogurt, or soy foods. Eggs are allowed in the diets of patients with lymphoma and brain cancers.
Grits or Cream of Wheat or 1 slice of white toast or ½ plain bagel or ½ English muffin (Butter is okay)Grits or white rice is the preferred carbohydrate food at each meal. The other choices are options once the patient’s cancer is stable or reduced in size. Unrefined carbohydrates are included in the CAAT menu instead of whole grains to deprive cancer cells of a certain B-complex vitamin called Pyridoxine (Vitamin B-6). Cancer cells require this vitamin to manufacture certain amino acids that we keep away from through CAAT’s amino acid reduction formula and diet.Grits is the preferred carbohydrate food at all meals instead of rice, corn, or pasta because it helps deplete Tryptophan in the body, which is essential for the growth and spreading of cancer cells.

1 cup of green or black tea, using fructose as the sweetener of choice. These teas are rich sources of several compounds that help shut down glycolosis and cut off the energy supply to cancer cells. Also, green or regular tea helps to prevent certain hormones and tumor growth factors from stimulating cancer cells to grow and metastasize to other parts of the body. Brassica teas can also be taken because they contain sulphorane, a nutrient that inhibits cancer growth, and also shuts down the cancer genes.* Why we use fructose as the sweetener of choice will be explained in detail at the end of this phase of the CAAT protocol.

Amino acid formula (4 level plastic scoops) mixed with any of the following: Water & Fructose; Sugar free Kool-Aid; Diet ginger ale; Fresh lemonade & Fructose; Chicken or Beef broth; V8 juice.Generous amounts of One cooked vegetable or a combination of the following: asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, brussell sprouts, spinach, squash, string beans.One serving (1/2 cup)of fresh fruit. Choice of: pear, orange, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries.1 serving (moderate) of grits or corn or rice or pasta (Add tomato sauce or butter)1 tablespoon of coconut oil8 to 10 black or green olives2 tablespoons of vinegar (minimum of 5% acidity) add to vegetables or food1 cup of green or black tea (Fructose as desired)

This Amino Acid Reduction Formula (4 level plastic scoops may vary) combined with the special diet, allows the CAAT Protocol to reduce certain amino acids in the daily diet of the cancer patient, and is designed to replace most of the animal protein in the diet. Cancer cells require the amino acids glycine, serine, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid to synthesize DNA, build new blood vessels or duplicate its entire contents of proteins. Also, cancer cells require these and certain other amino acids in order to synthesize other proteins that act as growth promoting hormones or tumor growth factors. CAAT impairs the synthesis of a protein called elastin, which is absolutely essential to the manufacture of new blood vessels. The Amino Acid Reduction Formula, diet, certain phytochemicals and herbs work efficaciously to attack cancer cells at each and every biological front.

The generous amounts of one cooked vegetable or a combination of such helps keep normal cells healthy. They are low in carbohydrates and proteins, and high in phytochemicals, compounds which help fight cancer. Patients are allowed to eat these vegetables and salads whenever desired.

The 8 to 10 olives are rich in squalene and oleic acid, nutrients that have been reported to inhibit certain cancer growth factors. The calories in olives also help control body weight and increases ketones in the blood. Ketones help fight cancer by impairing glycolosis – a process in which cancer cells depend almost exclusively upon for their daily supply of energy. Vinegar (and fructose) are two natural products that increase the production of both ACETIC ACID and CITRIC ACID in the body.

Acetic acid and citric acid also help fight cancer by shutting down the process of glycolosis.Normal cells derive most of their daily energy supply from acetic acid and citric acid, where as cancer cells derive most of their daily energy from glycolosis.

Amino acid formula (4 plastic level scoops) mixed with any of the following: Water & fructose; Sugar free Kool–Ade; Diet Ginger Ale; Fresh lemonade & Fructose; Chicken or Beef broth; V8 Juice.Generous amounts of One cooked vegetable or a combination of the following: asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, spinach, squash, string beans.One serving (1/2 cup) of stewed plums with fresh cream & fructose; use 4-ounces of orange juice if plums are not in season.Avacado salad with lettuce, tomatoes, celery, onions, with lemon juice and coconut oil or olive oil.2 tablespoons of vinegar (minimum of 5% acidity) add to vegetables or food.1 serving of grits or corn or pasta or rice (Add garlic and butter or tomato sauce)1 cup of green or black tea (Fructose as desired)

Mid Evening Snack: Ketogenic Cocktail – 2 ounces of fresh cream, ½ ounce each of both coconut & olive oil, 1 tablespoon of Fructose.Sugar free Jell-O with whipped cream & Fructose or 1 plum or 4 ounces of orange juice.

Explanation: The sugar free jell-o helps to appease the appetite. Plums contain quinlic acid, which is converted into benzoic acid in the body and which in turn helps to deplete the availability of the amino acid Glycine (Glycine is essential to the synthesis of DNA for cancer cells) and the proteins that cancer cells require to build new blood vessels and their tumor growth factors. If underweight take two ounces of light cream and one ounce of olive oil/coconut oil as needed to maintain weight.

Optional Meal:
3 to 4 ounces of Veal, Fish of choice, Beef, Chicken breast, and 1-slice of white bread.
Consume this meal with a minimum of 3 hours before or after taking the amino acids.
Explanation: If the patient is 10 or more pounds underweight or if their albumin levels are below normal is when the optional meal is allowed. This meal should be eaten a minimum of 3 hours before or after taking the amino acids. CAAT provides sufficient protein to maintain the health of normal cells and adequate amounts of calories to maintain desired body weight. Any proteins taken in excess of amounts recommended in the diet will counter act the benefits of the CAAT protocol.

Special Diets: A special diet will be created for any cancer patient whose ability to consume food and liquids has placed them in a critical situation. When a patient is using a feeding apparatus, or they have become too weak or lethargic to eat and drink the daily minimum amount for survival, we will break up the total breakfast, lunch, and dinner over a period of every 2 hours during the entire day until the patient is capable of returning to a daily diet as outlined above.
Carbohydrate and glucose reduction in this diet: CAAT’S dietary menu provides approximately 20 percent of its calories in the form of carbohydrates. Calories need not be a focal point or counted daily. It is recommended that all patients combat their cancers by keeping their body weight at normal or slightly below normal levels. A patient’s desired body weight is regulated by their rate of metabolism, which in turn is regulated by their blood levels of thyroxine, cortisone, insulin, and the amounts of fats and oils in the diet. Studies with human cancer patients and laboratory animals show that reducing the calories of carbohydrates (glucose) in their daily diet by only 10 percent reduced the size of cancerous tumors. When carbohydrate (glucose) calories were reduced 40 percent, the cancers disappeared. It is recommended that those patients who are obese gradually and systematically lose their excess weight to increase the efficiency of the CAAT protocol. Those patients who are underweight shoudn’t gain weight unless they are more than 10 pounds below normal levels. When a patient is underweight due to anorexia or cachexia, such illnesses must be addressed before the CAAT protocol can begin.

Why we use Fructose and Vinegar to treat cancer:
Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg discovered more than 50 years ago that all cancer cells produce inordinate amount of lactic acid but he couldn’t explain why.
In 2001 our Institute published the first study to show that cancer cells produce excess amounts of lactic acid because they could not access the oxygen in compartments in the cells called the mitochondria. This provided evidence that cancer cells depend almost exclusively upon glycolosis or the metabolism of glucose as their major source of energy.
Dr. Spitz and Dr. Lee with other cancer researchers published studies showing that when cancer cells are deprived glucose, their energy supply is cut off which causes these cancer cells to commit suicide.

Therefore shutting down glycolosis would be one means of destroying cancer cells because energy can only be derived from glucose through the metabolic process called glycolosis.
Recently our Cancer Institute discovered that both acetic acid and citric acid could inhibit the activity of a key enzyme in glycolosis called phosphofructokinase, which in turn shuts down the process of glycolosis. Our cancer Institute is the first to introduce both fructose and vinegar as treatments for cancer because they either contain or produce acetic acid.

In conclusion, fructose and vinegar are added as supplements to the CAAT protocol because of their acetic acid properties that help shut down glycolosis, shutting off cancer cells energy supply and causing them to die off.

Phase 3: Nutritional Supplements
Nutritional supplements are based on each unique situation. For example, slow-growing cancers produce low levels of toxic free radicals. Tumor cells that grow aggressively produce large amounts of toxic free radicals. The patient will be instructed whether or not to take anti-oxidants (in a nutritional supplement), and at what dosage, according to the levels of toxic free radicals produced in the cancerous cells.

An example of how nutritional supplements can help manipulate cancer cells involves vitamin B-6 (pyroxidine) There are four amino acids essential to the synthesis of DNA. However, those amino acids cannot be synthesized without a certain enzyme, which includes vitamin B-6 among other components. Any supplement containing vitamin B-6 SHOULD NOT be taken during the first 2 months of the CAAT protocol.

The patient will be instructed as to which nutritional supplements or phytochemicals should be purchased and at what dosage strength. Keep in mind that each supplement only complements the CAAT protocol. However, when they are combined they augment the therapeutic benefits of the aminoacid, carbohydrate, and glucose reduction diet.

Parsley: Contains ingredients that can help shut down certain enzymes called Epithelial Growth Factors, which stimulate the growth and spread of cancer. ( CAAT’S amino acid reduction diet works in the same manner )

Vitamin D: Helps activate in many kinds of cancers enzymes called Phosphotases, which literally shut down the activities of other enzymes called Kinases, which are essential to the growth and reproduction of cancer cells.

Green Tea Extract: Phytochemicals in tea help shut down glycolosis (cancer cell’s main supplier of energy) and thereby help to starve cancer cells to death. These effects help complement the effects of CAAT’S carbohydrate reduction.

Anti-Oxidants: The controversy as to whether or not to treat cancer with anti-oxidants is slowly resolving with the current understanding of how they affect the activity of genes and enzymes in cancer cells. The prevailing data shows that the benefits or lack of benefits depend upon the oxidative state the cancer cells are in. Anti-oxidants taken when the cells are in a very high oxidative state may prevent cancer cells from entering apoptosis ( apoptosis is when a cancer cell commits suicide) When oxidative stress in cancer cells is only slightly above normal, anti-oxidants are then expected to stop their growth and reproduction.

Blood Chemistry: Blood tests are usually taken every 6 to 8 weeks, depending upon the results of each test. Not only is it important to monitor the tumor markers but equally important to keep abreast of the overall health of normal tissues and organs. For example, it is important to learn of the health of the kidneys and liver, whether the body is producing sufficient red and white blood cells, etc. Low albumin levels most often indicate insufficient intake of proteins in the diet and this problem would have to be addressed. CAAT is designed to attack cancer but keep the normal cells and tissues functioning harmoniously.

Whey Protein: This protein food is recommended at the breakfast meal to help meet the daily needs of amino acids for the normal cells of the body, and to help keep albumin levels normal and to help prevent edema. We recommend Whey protein purchased from the Vitamin Shoppe because it is the only brand that we have seen with no phosphorous or additional vitamins added to it.

Grits: Grits are also recommended at the breakfast meal in place of whole grains because it is low in vitamin B-6. Cancer cells require B-6 to manufacture the amino acid Glycine, which is required for DNA synthesis. Grits, instead of whole grains, therefore helps prevent cancer cells from manufacturing DNA and building new blood vessels.

Calcium D-Glucurate: This phytochemical helps the body to retain a compound called Glucuronic acid. This is necessary to eliminate both estrogen and testosterone from the body. This is why Calcium D-Glucurate is added to the regiments of patients with breast & prostate cancers. Calcium D-Glucurate is not to be confused with calcium carbonate, which is nothing more than a calcium supplement.

D-Limonene: This phytochemical found mostly in citrus fruits blocks the process called Isoprenylation, which is necessary for tumor growth factors such as the RAS gene, Epithelial Growth factor, Tyrosine Kinase, and Insulin-Like-Growth-factor, to send their signals into the nucleus of a cancer cell and directs them to grow and divide into more cancer cells.

Tocotrienols: This member of the Vitamin E family also helps shut down Isoprenylation and assists D-Limonene in blocking the actions of the various tumor growth factors. More specifically, tocotrienols shut down an enzyme called HMG-2, which is essential to the synthesis of the building blocks that form the Isoprenylation process.

Niacin: This B-Complex vitamin works with D-limonene and the Tocotrienols to shut down the process of Isoprenylation, which as mentioned above prevents the cancer promoting RAS genes from sending signals into the nucleus of the cell. Niacin also helps deplete thee amino acid Glycine, which cancer cells need to synthesize DNA. And by reducing cholesterole in the body, Niacin helps lower the production of estrogen and testosterone.

Choline: This B-complex vitamin is included in our supplement list to help the liver metabolize Niacin and other compounds and to help fight fatigue that accompanies most forms of cancer.
Selenium: Numerous studies show that this mineral can interfere with the activity of certain genes that promote the growth of cancer and to induce cancer cells to commit suicide (apoptosis)

Perilla Oil: This oil is rich in Alpha Linolenic Acid which can inhibit the growth of cancer cells in several ways. One way is to inhibit the synthesis in the body of a tumor growth promotin hormone called Prostaglandin-2, also, Alpha Linolenic Acid inhibits the actions of certain genes that promote the growth of cancer cells. Linolenic acid is not to be confused with linoleic acid, which is a bad fat that stimulates the growth of cancer cells. This bad fat, linoleic acid, is found in all vegetable oils and nuts (With the exception of coconut oil). Olive oil has the least amount of this bad fat.

Super Miraforte: This herb impairs the synthesis of estrogen from testosterone in the body and is included in the regiments of women with breast cancer.Licorice Root Extract & Pantothenic

Acid: This herb and vitamin are added to the regiment when it is desirable to produce steroid like actions in the body. Also used to help patient’s gain weight and to inhibit the growth of lymphomas and leukemia’s.

Resveratrol: This phytochemical blocks the actions of a number of a number of cancer promoting genes thereby causing cancer cells to enter into apoptosis (cell death) and is included in the treatment of all cancers.

Indole-3 Carbinol & D.I.M.: These two phytochemicals block the actions of both estrogen and testosterone and are included in the regiments of both breast and prostate gland cancer.

Melatonin: Numerous studies show that this hormone blocks the synthesis of the cancer promoting chemicals in the body called Leukotrienes, and is included in the treatment of all cancers.

Artho Pro System: This combination of herbs and phytochemicals inhibits the synthesis of the cancer promoting hormone called Prostaglandin-2 and the Leukotriens and replaces the drug celebrex when liver problems are present. The Prostaglandin hormone is over active in most cancers and stimulates cancer growth. The body manufactures the Prostaglandin hormone from the bad fat, Linoleic acid, mentioned above.

Licorice Root Extract & Pantothenic Acid: This HERB and VITAMIN are added to the regiment when it is desirable to produce steroid like actions in the body. Used also to help patients gain weight and ti inhibit the growth of Lymphomas and Leukemias.
CAAT is designed to attack cancer, while keeping normal cells and tissues functioning harmoniously.

Cervical Cancer I

What is Cervical Cancer?

Cervical cancer starts in a woman's cervix, the lower narrow part of the uterus. The uterus holds the growing fetus during pregnancy. The cervix connects the lower part of the uterus to the vagina and, with the vagina, forms the birth canal. Cervical cancer is also called "cancer of the cervix."

Cervical cancer usually grows very slowly. Over a period of several years, cells on the surface of the cervix change from normal to abnormal. At first, the change is simply abnormal, not cancerous. Researchers believe, however, that some of these abnormal changes mark the first step in a series of slow changes that can lead to cancer.

Some of the abnormal changes go away without treatment, but others are pre-cancerous and need attention to keep cancer from developing. This phase of the disease is called "dysplasia." Often, the pre-cancerous tissue can be removed or destroyed without harming healthy tissue, but in some cases, a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) is needed to prevent cervical cancer. How a pre-cancerous area (called a "lesion") is treated depends on how big the lesion is and what type of changes have occurred in the cells, whether the woman wants to have children in the future, the woman's age, the woman's general health and the preference of the woman and her doctor.

If the pre-cancerous cells change into true cancer cells and spread deeper into the cervix or to other tissues and organs, the disease is then called cervical cancer.

Cervical cancers are divided into two main types, named for the type of cell within the cervix where the cancer started:

Squamous cell carcinomas make up about 85%-90% of all cervical cancers
Another 10%-15% are adenocarcinomas
As we well know, there are many kinds of cancer; unfortunately they all come about because of the out-of-control growth of abnormal cells.

Healthy Cells vs. Cancer Cells

Healthy cells are like a cat. They need structure to determine the size of bones and shape of the body, tail and whiskers. The DNA in genes and chromosomes determine this. They need energy to play and prowl and sustain life. This is derived from chemicals in food. Cats need a system to deliver chemicals (food nutrients like amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals) to all parts of their body. These are the blood vessels. Growth factors take a kitten into a lazy old cat, all the while helping it to function normally.

The body and its cells are mostly made up of protein. The building blocks of proteins are substances called amino acids that in the form of enzymes and hormones literally control every chemical reaction within the cells. When these are modified, different messages are sent to a complex control system that can alter their function. There are twenty different kinds of amino acids that are essential to life. Twelve of these can be synthesized within the body however; eight must be supplied by the daily diet.

What causes, and are there ways to prevent cancer of the cervix?

By studying large numbers of women all over the world, researchers have identified certain risk factors that increase the chance that cells in the cervix will become abnormal or cancerous. They believe that, in many cases, cervical cancer develops when two or more risk factors act together. Research has shown that women who began having sexual intercourse before age 18 and women who have had many sexual partners have an increased risk of developing cervical cancer.

Women also are at increased risk if their partners began having sexual intercourse at a young age, have had many sexual partners, or were previously married to women who had cervical cancer.Scientists do not know exactly why the sexual practices of women and their partners affect the risk of developing cervical cancer. However, research suggests that some sexually transmitted viruses can cause cells in the cervix to begin the series of changes that can lead to cancer. Women who have had many sexual partners or whose partners have had many sexual partners may have an increased risk for cervical cancer at least in part because they are more likely to get a sexually transmitted virus. Scientists are studying the effects of sexually transmitted human papillomaviruses (HPVs). Some sexually transmitted HPVs cause genital warts (condylomata acuminata). In addition, scientists believe that some of these viruses may cause the growth of abnormal cells in the cervix and may play a role in cancer development.

They have found that women who have HPV or whose partners have HPV have a higher-than-average risk of developing cervical cancer. However, most women who are infected with HPV do not develop cervical cancer, and the virus is not present in all women who have this disease. For these reasons, scientists believe that other factors act together with HPVs. For example, the GENITAL HERPES virus also may play a role. Further research is needed to learn the exact role of these viruses and how they act together with other factors in the development of cervical cancer.Smoking also increases the risk of cancer of the cervix, although it is not clear exactly how or why. The risk appears to increase with the number of cigarettes a woman smokes each day and with the number of years she has smoked.Women whose mothers were given the drug diethylstilbestrol (DES) during pregnancy to prevent miscarriage also are at increased risk.
(This drug was used for this purpose from about 1940 to 1970). A rare type of vaginal and cervical cancer has been found in a small number of women whose mothers used DES.

Several reports suggest that women whose immune systems are weakened are more likely than others to develop cervical cancer. For example, women who have the (HIV) virus, which causes AIDS, are at increased risk. Also, organ transplant patients, who receive drugs that suppress the immune system to prevent rejection of the new organ, are more likely than others to develop precancerous lesions.Some researchers believe that there is an increased risk of cervical cancer in women who use oral contraceptives (the pill). However, scientists have not found that the pill directly causes cancer of the cervix. This relationship is hard to prove because the two main risk factors for cervical cancer, intercourse at an early age and multiple sex partners, may be more common among women who use the pill than among those who do not. Still, oral contraceptive labels warn of this possible risk and advise women who use them to have yearly Pap tests.Some research has shown that vitamin A may play a role in stopping or preventing cancerous changes in cells like those on the surface of the cervix. Further research with forms of vitamin A may help scientists learn more about preventing cancer of the cervix.At present, early detection and treatment of precancerous tissue remain the most effective ways of preventing cervical cancer. Women should talk with their doctor about an appropriate schedule of checkups. The doctor's advice will be based on such factors as the women's age, medical history, and risk factors.


Most women with cervical cancer want to learn all they can about their disease and treatment choices so they can take an active part in decisions about their medical care. Doctors and others on the medical team can help women learn what they need to know.When a person is diagnosed with cancer, shock and stress are natural reactions. These feelings may make it difficult for patients to think of everything they want to ask the doctor. Often it helps to make a list of questions. Also, to help remember what the doctor says, patients may take notes or ask whether they can use a tape recorder. Some people also want to have a family member or friend with them when they talk to the doctor, to take part in the discussion, to take notes, or just to listen.Patients should not feel they need to ask all their questions or remember all the answers at one time. They will have other chances to ask the doctor to explain things and to get more information.There are usually no noticeable signs of early cervical cancer but it can be detected early with yearly check-ups.Early cervical cancer may not cause noticeable signs or symptoms. Women should have yearly check-ups, including a Pap smear to check for abnormal cells in the cervix. The prognosis (chance of recovery) is better when the cancer is found early.Possible signs of cervical cancer include vaginal bleeding and pelvic pain.These and other symptoms may be caused by cervical cancer or by other conditions. A doctor should be consulted if any of the

following problems occur:

Vaginal bleeding.
Unusual vaginal discharge.
Pelvic pain.
Pain during sexual intercourse. Tests that examine the cervix are used to detect (find) and diagnose cervical cancer.The following procedures may be used:

Pap smear: A procedure to collect cells from the surface of the cervix and vagina. A piece of cotton, a brush, or a small wooden stick is used to gently scrape cells from the cervix and vagina. The cells are viewed under a microscope to find out if they are abnormal. This procedure is also called a Pap test.

Colposcopy: A procedure to look inside the vagina and cervix for abnormal areas. A colposcope (a thin, lighted tube) is inserted through the vagina into the cervix. Tissue samples may be taken for biopsy.

Biopsy: If abnormal cells are found in a Pap smear, the doctor may do a biopsy. A sample of tissue is cut from the cervix and viewed under a microscope. A biopsy that removes only a small amount of tissue is usually done in the doctor’s office. A woman may need to go to a hospital for a cervical cone biopsy (removal of a larger, cone-shaped sample of cervical tissue).

Pelvic exam: An exam of the vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and rectum. The doctor or nurse inserts one or two lubricated, gloved fingers of one hand into the vagina and the other hand is placed over the lower abdomen to feel the size, shape, and position of the uterus and ovaries. A speculum is also inserted into the vagina and the doctor or nurse looks at the vagina and cervix for signs of disease. A Pap test or Pap smear of the cervix is usually done. The doctor or nurse also inserts a lubricated, gloved finger into the rectum to feel for lumps or abnormal areas.

Endocervical curettage: A procedure to collect cells or tissue from the cervical canal using a curette (spoon-shaped instrument). Tissue samples may be taken for biopsy. This procedure is sometimes done at the same time as a colposcopy. Certain factors affect prognosis (chance of recovery) and treatment options.The prognosis (chance of recovery) depends on the following:
The stage of the cancer (whether it affects part of the cervix, involves the whole cervix, or has spread to the lymph nodes or other places in the body).
The type of cervical cancer.

The size of the tumor. Treatment options depend on the following:

1. The stage of the cancer.
2. The size of the tumor.
3. The patient's desire to have children.
4. The patient’s age.

Treatment of cervical cancer during pregnancy depends on the stage of the cancer and the stage of the pregnancy. For cervical cancer found early or for cancer found during the last trimester of pregnancy, treatment may be delayed until after the baby is born.After cervical cancer has been diagnosed, tests are done to find out if cancer cells have spread within the cervix or to other parts of the body. The process used to find out if cancer has spread within the cervix or to other parts of the body is called staging. The information gathered from the staging process determines the stage of the disease. It is important to know the stage in order to plan treatment. The following tests and procedures may be used in the staging process:

Chest x-ray: An x-ray of the organs and bones inside the chest. An x-ray is a type of energy beam that can go through the body and onto film, making a picture of areas inside the body.

CT scan (CAT scan): A procedure that makes a series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body, taken from different angles. The pictures are made by a computer linked to an x-ray machine. A dye may be injected into a vein or swallowed to help the organs or tissues show up more clearly. This procedure is also called computed tomography, computerized tomography, or computerized axial tomography.

Lymphangiogram: A procedure used to x-ray the lymph system. A dye is injected into the lymph vessels in the feet. The dye travels upward through the lymph nodes and lymph vessels, and x-rays are taken to see if there are any blockages. This test helps find out whether cancer has spread to the lymph nodes.

Pretreatment surgical staging: Surgery (an operation) is done to find out if the cancer has spread within the cervix or to other parts of the body. In some cases, the cervical cancer can be removed at the same time. Pretreatment surgical staging is usually done only as part of a clinical trial.

Ultrasound: A procedure in which high-energy sound waves (ultrasound) are bounced off internal tissues or organs and make echoes. The echoes form a picture of body tissues called a sonogram.

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging): A procedure that uses a magnet, radio waves, and a computer to make a series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body. This procedure is also called nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI). The results of these tests are viewed together with the results of the original tumor biopsy to determine the cervical cancer stage.

The following stages are used for cervical cancer:Stage 0 (Carcinoma in Situ)In stage 0, cancer is found in the first layer of cells lining the cervix only and has not invaded the deeper tissues of the cervix. Stage 0 is also called carcinoma in situ.Stage 0 Cervical Cancer (Carcinoma in Situ) Treatment of stage 0 cervical cancer may include the following:

Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP).
Laser surgery.
Total hysterectomy for women who cannot or no longer want to have children.
Internal radiation therapy for women who cannot have surgery. Stage IIn stage I, cancer is found in the cervix only. Stage I is divided into stages IA and IB, based on the amount of cancer that is found.

Stage IA: A very small amount of cancer that can only be seen with a microscope is found in the tissues of the cervix. The cancer is not deeper than 5 millimeters and not wider than 7 millimeters.

Stage IB: In stage IB, cancer is still within the cervix and either:
can only be seen with a microscope and is deeper than 5 millimeters or wider than 7 millimeters; or
can be seen without a microscope and may be larger than 4 centimeters. Stage IA Cervical Cancer Treatment of stage IA cervical cancer may include the following:
Total hysterectomy with or without bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.
Radical hysterectomy and removal of lymph nodes.
Internal radiation therapy. Stage IB Cervical Cancer Treatment of stage IB cervical cancer may include the following:
A combination of internal radiation therapy and external radiation therapy.
Radical hysterectomy and removal of lymph nodes.
Radical hysterectomy and removal of lymph nodes followed by radiation therapy plus chemotherapy.
Radiation therapy plus chemotherapy.
A clinical trial of high-dose internal radiation therapy combined with external radiation therapy. Stage IIIn stage II, cancer has spread beyond the cervix but not to the pelvic wall (the tissues that line the part of the body between the hips). Stage II is divided into stages IIA and IIB, based on how far the cancer has spread.

Stage IIA: Cancer has spread beyond the cervix to the upper two thirds of the vagina but not to tissues around the uterus.

Stage IIB: Cancer has spread beyond the cervix to the upper two thirds of the vagina and to the tissues around the uterus. Stage IIA Cervical Cancer Treatment of stage IIA cervical cancer may include the following:

1. A combination of internal radiation therapy and external radiation therapy.
2. Radical hysterectomy and removal of lymph nodes.
Radical hysterectomy and removal of lymph nodes followed by radiation therapy plus chemotherapy.
Radiation therapy plus chemotherapy.
A clinical trial of high-dose internal radiation therapy combined with external radiation therapy. Stage IIB Cervical Cancer Treatment of stage IIB cervical cancer may include internal and external radiation therapy combined with chemotherapy. Stage IIIIn stage III, cancer has spread to the lower third of the vagina and may have spread to the pelvic wall and nearby lymph nodes. Stage III is divided into stages IIIA and IIIB, based on how far the cancer has spread.

Stage IIIA: Cancer has spread to the lower third of the vagina but not to the pelvic wall.
Stage IIIB: Cancer has spread to the pelvic wall and/or the tumor has become large enough to block the ureters (the tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder). This blockage can cause the kidneys to enlarge or stop working. Cancer cells may also have spread to lymph nodes in the pelvis. Stage III Cervical Cancer Treatment of stage III cervical cancer may include internal and external radiation therapy combined with chemotherapy.
Stage IVIn stage IV, cancer has spread to the bladder, rectum, or other parts of the body. Stage IV is divided into stages IVA and IVB, based on where the cancer is found.

Stage IVA: Cancer has spread to the bladder or rectal wall and may have spread to lymph nodes in the pelvis.

Stage IVB: Cancer has spread beyond the pelvis and pelvic lymph nodes to other places in the body, such as the abdomen, liver, intestinal tract, or lungs. Stage IVA Cervical Cancer Treatment of stage IVA cervical cancer may include internal and external radiation therapy combined with chemotherapy. Stage IVB Cervical Cancer Treatment of stage IVB cervical cancer may include the following:

Radiation therapy as palliative therapy to relieve symptoms caused by the cancer and improve quality of life.
Clinical trials of new anticancer drugs or drug combinations. There are different types of treatment for patients with cervical cancer. Different types of treatment are available for patients with cervical cancer. Some treatments are standard (the currently used treatment), and some are being tested in clinical trials. Before starting treatment, patients may want to think about taking part in a clinical trial. A treatment clinical trial is a research study meant to help improve current treatments or obtain information on new treatments for patients with cancer. When clinical trials show that a new treatment is better than the standard treatment, the new treatment may become the standard treatment.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Breast Cancer II

Probability of Breast Cancer in American WomenEstimates state that 13.4 percent of women born now in the United States will develop breast cancer at some time in their lives. This estimate is based on cancer statistics for the years 1999 through 2001. This estimate means that, if the current rate stays the same, women born now have an average risk of 13.4 percent (often expressed as “1 in 7”) of being diagnosed with breast cancer at some time in their lives. On the other hand, the chance that they will never have breast cancer is 86.6 percent (expressed as “6 in 7”). In the 1970s, the lifetime risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States was just under 10 percent (often expressed as “1 in 10”). Since then, the estimated lifetime risk has risen gradually.
13.2 percent for 1996 through 1998 (“1 in 7.55,” often expressed as “1 in 8”)
13.4 percent for 1997 through 1999 (“1 in 7.45,” often expressed as “1 in 7”)
13.5 percent for 1998 through 2000 (“1 in 7.40,” often expressed as “1 in 7”)
13.4 percent for 1999 though 2001 (“1 in 7.47,” often expressed as “1 in 7”) Because of rounding up or down to the nearest whole number, a small change in the actual risk (an increase from “1 in 7.55” to “1 in 7.47”) led to the change from “1 in 8” to “1 in 7.”This slight increase may be explained by a variety of factors. Experts believe the rise is partly due to better detection tools, which find more cases, and partly to the fact that women are living to an older age, when their risk increases (2). In addition, statistical methods have changed as statisticians work to improve the way they do these calculations. Also, the geographic areas where statistics are collected have expanded, resulting in more complete information. It is also possible that changes over the years in the lifestyle of American women (for example, having their first pregnancy at an older age, having fewer children, and using hormonal therapy to treat symptonns of menopause) may have increased the chance of developing breast cancer.The estimated probability of being diagnosed with breast cancer for specific age groups and for specific time periods is generally more informative than lifetime probabilities. Estimates by decade of life are less influenced by changes in life expectancy and incidence rates. The SEER report estimates the risk of developing breast cancer in 10-year age intervals (1). The calculations factor in the proportion of women who live to each age. In other words, they take into account that not all women live to older ages, when breast cancer risk becomes the greatest. A woman’s chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer is:
from age 30 to age 40 . . . . . . 0.44 percent (often expressed as “1 in 227”)
from age 40 to age 50 . . . . . . 1.49 percent (often expressed as “1 in 67”)
from age 50 to age 60 . . . . . . 2.79 percent (often expressed as “1 in 36”)
from age 60 to age 70 . . . . . . 3.38 percent (often expressed as “1 in 26”) These probabilities are averages for the whole population. An individual woman’s breast cancer risk may be higher or lower, depending on a variety of factors, including her family history, reproductive history, race/ethnicity, and other factors that are not yet fully understood.A team of physicians who specialize in breast cancer will be involved in your care, specifically surgical oncologists, medical oncologists and radiation oncologists. An important concept to keep in mind as you consider treatment options is the difference between local and systemic treatments. Local treatments are procedures performed on the breast and surrounding areas, such as surgery and radiation oncology. Systemic treatments, such as chemotherapy and hormone therapy, are used to treat breast cancer cells that may have spread to other parts of the body. Local and systemic treatments are often combined to ensure the best outcome possible, and your priorities are an essential part of making the best treatment choice.
SurgeryThe first step in treating the most common types of breast cancer is surgery, and your first decision will probably include a fundamental choice between breast conservation and removal of the breast. The surgical procedures are: lumpectomy (also called wide excision or partial mastectomy) with axillary lymph node dissection, total or simple masectomy, and modified radical masectomy, which includes axillary dissection. Lumpectomy is considered a partial mastectomy and conserves varying degrees of breast tissue. Total mastectomy removes the entire breast. Modified radical mastectomy removes the entire breast and some axillary lymph nodes, but the pectoralis (chest) muscle stays in place.
Before surgery, tests such as a chest X-ray, a complete blood chemistry, and a urinalysis must be performed to determine your body's ability to tolerate surgery and anesthesia.
Surgical TreatmentLumpectomy and Axillary Lymph Node Dissection, plus RadiationIf your cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, a lumpectomy or wide excision with axillary lymph node dissection may be offered as a treatment choice. The goal of this surgery is to remove the entire lump and some normal tissue surrounding the lump, but preserve the breast. Radiation follows lumpectomy and axillary lymph node dissection and is an integral part of breast conserving treatment. The two treatments combined, surgery and radiation, have proven to be as effective as the modified radical mastectomy.
Not all women, however, are candidates for breast conserving treatment; acceptable cosmetic results may not be possible for women whose breast cancers are multicentric (found in more than one area of the breast) or who have a large breast cancer and relatively small breasts. Also, it is extremely important for candidates who choose breast conservation to accept that radiation is integral to successful treatment. Willingness to accept radiation treatment following lumpectomy and axillary node dissection, and an understanding that regular follow-up is a lifetime commitment, are essential elements for making this choice. For women who choose not to have radiation, modified radical mastectomy is the treatment of choice. Lumpectomy is removal of the cancer with surrounding normal tissue. This normal tissue is called the “margin.” After the lumpectomy, surgeons check the pathology report to be sure that the margins, or edges, of the lumpectomy are clear of cancer cells. If the margin is not clear, a re-excision will be scheduled. Cancer cells on the margin are more likely in women with invasive lobular cancer, because of the finger-like projections, and in women who have ductal carcinoma in situ, because the surgeon cannot feel the cancer cells. Breast surgeons at Continuum Cancer Centers of New York aim for five millimeter to 10 millimeter margin widths. Mastectomy is the removal of all the breast tissue. In the case of an invasive cancer (not in the case of ductal carcinoma in situ), both lumpectomy and mastectomy are accompanied by either sentinel node biopsy, or a full axillary node dissection (see below).
Lumpectomy is almost always followed by radiation. The purpose of the radiation is to decrease the recurrence of breast cancer in the remaining breast tissue. A 2002 New England Journal of Medicine report* discussed the 20-year follow-up of a trial comparing mastectomy, lumpectomy, and lumpectomy plus radiation. The authors found that the recurrence rate of breast cancer in the affected breast after lumpectomy and radiation was 14 percent, whereas if no radiation was given, it was 39 percent. When a recurrence is found, a mastectomy is usually performed. In some cases, however, a second lumpectomy is done. Mastectomy has a very small local recurrence rate (about 4 percent). This is because some breast tissue may remain on the skin when the breast tissue is removed from under it.
Although the local recurrence rates are different between lumpectomy and mastectomy, the survival rate for women undergoing either of these procedures is the same. The New England Journal report showed that the 20-year survival for women undergoing mastectomy, lumpectomy, or lumpectomy with radiation was exactly the same. This conclusion has been supported many times in other reports, including another 20-year follow-up from Italy.**Lymph nodes are small lima bean-shaped structures which contain white blood cells called lymphocytes. There are lymph nodes in many locations in the body, including the axilla (or armpit), which contains about 30 lymph nodes. In the past 10-15 years, lymph nodes were removed from the axilla to check for spread of the breast cancer. However, a new technique called sentinel node biopsy is now used, which checks for the spread of cancer by removing only one or two nodes. The sentinel node is the first or primary node to receive lymphatic drainage from the breast. The surgeon finds this lymph node by using a radioactive compound called Technicium. Technicium is injected into the skin of the breast, over the area of the cancer, on either the day before or the morning of surgery. The lymphatics of the breast carry the Technicium to the sentinel node, and the surgeon finds the node by using a Geiger counter. In a lumpectomy, the sentinel node is removed through a small incision in the axilla. In a mastectomy, the sentinel node is removed through the mastectomy incision.
The sentinel node is often tested by frozen section during surgery. If the sentinel node is clear of cancer cells, no other lymph nodes will be removed from the axilla. If the sentinel node contains cancer cells, a full-node dissection will be performed, since more nodes may be affected. Approximately 10 percent of sentinel nodes found to be negative by the pathologist on the frozen section will contain cancer cells on the final pathology report. If this occurs, further surgery to remove additional nodes may be required, and will be scheduled as soon as possible.Making Choices The choice that most women with breast cancer face is to undergo either breast conserving treatment (only the lump is removed followed by radiation) or modified radical mastectomy. Research involving thousands of women over many years has shown that for women with early stage breast cancers, there is no difference in survival between these two options. Sometimes breast cancers do recur in the lumpectomy breast, but mastectomy can be performed at that time. For most women who undergo breast conserving treatment, the outcome is the same as those who had mastectomy in the first place.Nonetheless, making a decision between breast conserving treatment, lumpectomy with axillary lymph node dissection plus radiation, or modified radical mastectomy is a very personal one. If you choose a mastectomy, or our oncologist recommends that you have a mastectomy, then you may wish to consider reconstructive surgery. Reconstruction can be performed immediately, it can be delayed, or you may not wish to undergo reconstruction at all. It is important to remember that no decision must be made overnight. You need to give yourself a chance to discuss these options with family members, with your physicians and with friends. When you have additional questions, please contact the surgeon and other members of the interdisciplinary healthcare team during your decision-making process. After SurgeryAfter a Lumpectomy with Sentinel Node BiopsyLumpectomies with axillary node dissection are usually performed with local anesthesia and sedation. Patients are usually sent home the same or next day after surgery, once the effects of the anesthetic have worn off. A followup appointment will be scheduled within 7 to 10 days after your surgery.After a Total Mastectomy and Sentinel Node BiopsyIf you have a Total Mastectomy and Sentinel Node Biopsy, two drainage tubes will be in place to drain fluids that may collect in the operative areas--one to drain the chest area and the other to drain where the sentinel node was removed. Should the drainage tube(s) not be removed during your hospital stay, you and a family member or friend will receive simple instructions before you are discharged on how to care for the tubes at home. After you wake up from a Sentinel Node Biopsy, you may experience some discomfort around your chest and under your arm. Your doctor will order pain medication that will control your discomfort. You'll be encouraged to get out of bed the same day as surgery, as soon as the anesthetic has worn off, and at that time you should be able to eat regular food. Expect to stay in the hospital overnight. If you are having breast reconstruction, the stay is two to four nights.Prior to leaving the hospital, we will give you a temporary prosthesis, or breast form. It provides symmetry without putting pressure on the surgical area. Once you have healed, usually 4-6 weeks after your surgery, we will give you a prescription to purchase a permanent prosthesis or breast form.A followup appointment will be scheduled within 7 to 10 days after your surgery to remove the drainage tube under your arm. At this visit, the surgeon will provide information on your pathology and future treatments.
Adjuvant TherapyAfter the primary tumor has been treated, we then consider adjuvant therapy. Adjuvant means "in addition to," and these therapies are given in addition to surgery, or surgery plus radiation, to decrease the risk of the breast cancer returning. Our intent is to choose an adjuvant therapy that has the best chance to kill any breast cancer cells lingering throughout the body, or to block the hormonal receptors of either the remaining cancer cells or normal breast cells. We determine the therapy that best kills the cancer cells, while preventing as much as possible the onset of disrupting side effects. Adjuvant therapies include radiation, chemotherapy, and hormonal therapies.Radiation OncologyAdvanced Breast Cancer Continuum Cancer Centers of New York uses an interdisciplinary approach to advanced breast cancer. When cancer begins, it is a single, genetically abnormal cell. The cell divides and becomes two cells, which divide into four cells, then eight cells, and so on. Eventually, the single cell becomes a mass of cells and develops a blood supply to nourish its continued growth. At some point, cells break off from the primary mass and move through the blood supply or nearby lymph system to other parts of the body, a complicated process called metastasis.For some women, we diagnose breast cancers and treat before metastasis occurs. For other women, we plan treatment knowing that the breast cancer has metastasized. Generally, as the tumor grows, the chance of metastasis increases. Based on research, oncologists estimate that fewer than 10 percent of women diagnosed with breast cancers smaller than one centimeter in diameter will have metastases at the time of diagnosis. That number rises to 80 percent if the cancer is diagnosed when it is larger than five centimeters in diameter.We know that breast cancer most often spreads through the blood or lymphatic systems to areas that are nourished by those systems. Breast cancer may spread to bones, liver, lung, and brain, but also to the opposite breast, adrenal glands, spleen, and ovaries. Generally, a recurrence of the disease is detected when symptoms are apparent. Even though there are tests that may detect a metastatic recurrence before the onset of symptoms, research has shown that they do not improve the response to treatments used for advanced disease, nor do they prolong life.Once metastatic disease is detected, in our interdisciplinary approach we may recommend that a woman undergo surgery to remove the metastases, or have chemotherapy or radiation to control it. Signs and symptoms of a recurrence may include:
a lump under the arm or around the surgical area;
bone pain or fractures, which may signal bone metastases;
headaches or seizures, which may signal brain metastases;
chronic coughing or wheezing, which may signal lung metastases. Other symptoms may be related to the location of metastases and may include changes in vision, an alteration in energy levels, a feeling of "unwellness," or extreme fatigue.Our overall goal in caring for women with more advanced disease is to is to achieve a remission or slow the growth of the tumor, which we know can improve symptoms, quality of life, and overall survival. Since metastatic breast cancer is not considered curable, the patient and our physicians must find a balance between treating the disease and achieving a good quality of life. It should be noted that some women live years after a recurrence of breast cancer and may undergo treatment many more times before dying from the disease. For some women, we approach breast cancer as a chronic disease.
(Keep in mind, CAAT is much more than just a “diet”; it is an amino acid, carbohydrate, & glucose REDUCTION protocol which strategically uses the chemical reactions of amino acids, foods, and nutritional supplements to impair the development of cancer cells, thus starving them to death.) Clinical trials have already been done with humans using amino acid depravation formulas, and with much success. (Journal American Medical Association. 1967; 200:211)
CAAT is a course of therapy to control a patient’s amino acid intake. This is achieved by taking certain foods out of a persons’ daily food plan for a short time and by replacing them with a scientifically supported formula of amino acids. It is also important to emphasize that the food plan that accompanies the amino acid formula needs to be followed so not to offset any of the benefits we are creating by depriving the cancer cells the nutrients they need to grow. Also, it is important to realize that the patient does not need to abandon their conventional cancer treatment, (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, hormone treatments) nor is it recommended that they do so unless it has already failed them. CAAT works synergistically with chemotherapy and/or radiation to enhance their benefits (see study by Dr. Marco Rabinowitz of the National Cancer Institute). His report on amino acid deprivation, such as with Controlled Amino Acid Therapy (CAAT), proven to inhibit phosphofructokinase which shuts down the energy supply to cancer cells, simultaneously enhancing the benefits of chemotherapy while lessening their toxic side effects. CAAT has also proven to work successfully alone.
Phase 1: CAAT Formulation
The most important component of CAAT is the scientifically formulated amino acids. Based on the specific formula for each cancer, it consists of separate amino acids, citric acid, and small amounts of sodium benzoate. Each formula replaces most of the regular daily proteins found in meats, dairy, fish, beans and nuts, which cancer cells can derive their energy from. The CAAT formula taken two times per day will nourish the healthy cells while causing the cancer cells to starve to death. Of course each individual has specific needs concerning their diet, and this is explained in the second phase of the protocol as well as with a specialist at the Institute when beginning the CAAT therapy.
Phase 2: Daily Food Intake
DISCLAIMER: The following food program SHOULD NOT be consumed without the amino acid formula and without consent from your doctor and our Institute.
Breakfast:*1/2 Grapefruit or 1-orange or 6-ounces of fresh orange juice.Whey Enhanced Protein (Vanilla Flavor – Vitamin Shoppe Brand) approximately10 – 12 grams of protein – read label carefully, based on 150 lb. person ].A serving of Grits (Butter, cinnamon and other spices are okay).1 cup of green or black tea (Fructose is sweetener of choice).* Do Not have ½ grapefruit if taking Chemotherapy
Explanation: ½ Grapefruit or 1 orange or 6 ounces of fresh orange juice are rich in the natural nutrients called Limonene and Citric Acid. Limonene helps shut down the Ras cancer gene which is over active in 90 percent of all cancers. Citric Acid helps shut down glycolosis which in turn helps starve cancer cells to death.
Whey Enhanced Protein (Vanilla Flavor – Vitamin Shoppe Brand) Phosphorus is a nutrient that cancer cells must utilize in order to grow and reproduce. This brand of whey protein is very low in phosphorous and contains no additional vitamins, so when using approximately 10 – 12 grams of protein per 150 lb. person, it helps to protect normal cells, maintain a normal appetite, and also helps to fight edema. (Edema is the swelling or water build up in the legs or other sites in the body)Whey protein is included in the daily menu of all advanced or metastatic cancer patients. When treating cancers that are stable or have regressed in size, patients then have the option of including other protein foods at their breakfast meals such as cottage cheese, yogurt, or soy foods. Eggs are allowed in the diets of patients with lymphoma and brain cancers.
Grits or Cream of Wheat or 1 slice of white toast or ½ plain bagel or ½ English muffin (Butter is okay)Grits or white rice is the preferred carbohydrate food at each meal. The other choices are options once the patient’s cancer is stable or reduced in size. Unrefined carbohydrates are included in the CAAT menu instead of whole grains to deprive cancer cells of a certain B-complex vitamin called Pyridoxine (Vitamin B-6). Cancer cells require this vitamin to manufacture certain amino acids that we keep away from through CAAT’s amino acid reduction formula and diet.Grits is the preferred carbohydrate food at all meals instead of rice, corn, or pasta because it helps deplete Tryptophan in the body, which is essential for the growth and spreading of cancer cells.
1 cup of green or black tea, using fructose as the sweetener of choice. These teas are rich sources of several compounds that help shut down glycolosis and cut off the energy supply to cancer cells. Also, green or regular tea helps to prevent certain hormones and tumor growth factors from stimulating cancer cells to grow and metastasize to other parts of the body. Brassica teas can also be taken because they contain sulphorane, a nutrient that inhibits cancer growth, and also shuts down the cancer genes.* Why we use fructose as the sweetener of choice will be explained in detail at the end of this phase of the CAAT protocol.
Amino acid formula (4 level plastic scoops) mixed with any of the following: Water & Fructose; Sugar free Kool-Aid; Diet ginger ale; Fresh lemonade & Fructose; Chicken or Beef broth; V8 juice.Generous amounts of One cooked vegetable or a combination of the following: asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, brussell sprouts, spinach, squash, string beans.One serving (1/2 cup)of fresh fruit. Choice of: pear, orange, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries.1 serving (moderate) of grits or corn or rice or pasta (Add tomato sauce or butter)1 tablespoon of coconut oil8 to 10 black or green olives2 tablespoons of vinegar (minimum of 5% acidity) add to vegetables or food1 cup of green or black tea (Fructose as desired)
This Amino Acid Reduction Formula (4 level plastic scoops may vary) combined with the special diet, allows the CAAT Protocol to reduce certain amino acids in the daily diet of the cancer patient, and is designed to replace most of the animal protein in the diet. Cancer cells require the amino acids glycine, serine, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid to synthesize DNA, build new blood vessels or duplicate its entire contents of proteins. Also, cancer cells require these and certain other amino acids in order to synthesize other proteins that act as growth promoting hormones or tumor growth factors. CAAT impairs the synthesis of a protein called elastin, which is absolutely essential to the manufacture of new blood vessels. The Amino Acid Reduction Formula, diet, certain phytochemicals and herbs work efficaciously to attack cancer cells at each and every biological front.
The generous amounts of one cooked vegetable or a combination of such helps keep normal cells healthy. They are low in carbohydrates and proteins, and high in phytochemicals, compounds which help fight cancer. Patients are allowed to eat these vegetables and salads whenever desired.
The 8 to 10 olives are rich in squalene and oleic acid, nutrients that have been reported to inhibit certain cancer growth factors. The calories in olives also help control body weight and increases ketones in the blood. Ketones help fight cancer by impairing glycolosis – a process in which cancer cells depend almost exclusively upon for their daily supply of energy. Vinegar (and fructose) are two natural products that increase the production of both ACETIC ACID and CITRIC ACID in the body.
Acetic acid and citric acid also help fight cancer by shutting down the process of glycolosis.Normal cells derive most of their daily energy supply from acetic acid and citric acid, where as cancer cells derive most of their daily energy from glycolosis.
Amino acid formula (4 plastic level scoops) mixed with any of the following: Water & fructose; Sugar free Kool–Ade; Diet Ginger Ale; Fresh lemonade & Fructose; Chicken or Beef broth; V8 Juice.Generous amounts of One cooked vegetable or a combination of the following: asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, spinach, squash, string beans.One serving (1/2 cup) of stewed plums with fresh cream & fructose; use 4-ounces of orange juice if plums are not in season.Avacado salad with lettuce, tomatoes, celery, onions, with lemon juice and coconut oil or olive oil.2 tablespoons of vinegar (minimum of 5% acidity) add to vegetables or food.1 serving of grits or corn or pasta or rice (Add garlic and butter or tomato sauce)1 cup of green or black tea (Fructose as desired)
Mid Evening Snack: Ketogenic Cocktail – 2 ounces of fresh cream, ½ ounce each of both coconut & olive oil, 1 tablespoon of Fructose.Sugar free Jell-O with whipped cream & Fructose or 1 plum or 4 ounces of orange juice.
Explanation: The sugar free jell-o helps to appease the appetite. Plums contain quinlic acid, which is converted into benzoic acid in the body and which in turn helps to deplete the availability of the amino acid Glycine (Glycine is essential to the synthesis of DNA for cancer cells) and the proteins that cancer cells require to build new blood vessels and their tumor growth factors. If underweight take two ounces of light cream and one ounce of olive oil/coconut oil as needed to maintain weight.
Optional Meal:
3 to 4 ounces of Veal, Fish of choice, Beef, Chicken breast, and 1-slice of white bread.
Consume this meal with a minimum of 3 hours before or after taking the amino acids.
Explanation: If the patient is 10 or more pounds underweight or if their albumin levels are below normal is when the optional meal is allowed. This meal should be eaten a minimum of 3 hours before or after taking the amino acids. CAAT provides sufficient protein to maintain the health of normal cells and adequate amounts of calories to maintain desired body weight. Any proteins taken in excess of amounts recommended in the diet will counter act the benefits of the CAAT protocol.
Special Diets: A special diet will be created for any cancer patient whose ability to consume food and liquids has placed them in a critical situation. When a patient is using a feeding apparatus, or they have become too weak or lethargic to eat and drink the daily minimum amount for survival, we will break up the total breakfast, lunch, and dinner over a period of every 2 hours during the entire day until the patient is capable of returning to a daily diet as outlined above.
Carbohydrate and glucose reduction in this diet: CAAT’S dietary menu provides approximately 20 percent of its calories in the form of carbohydrates. Calories need not be a focal point or counted daily. It is recommended that all patients combat their cancers by keeping their body weight at normal or slightly below normal levels. A patient’s desired body weight is regulated by their rate of metabolism, which in turn is regulated by their blood levels of thyroxine, cortisone, insulin, and the amounts of fats and oils in the diet. Studies with human cancer patients and laboratory animals show that reducing the calories of carbohydrates (glucose) in their daily diet by only 10 percent reduced the size of cancerous tumors. When carbohydrate (glucose) calories were reduced 40 percent, the cancers disappeared. It is recommended that those patients who are obese gradually and systematically lose their excess weight to increase the efficiency of the CAAT protocol. Those patients who are underweight shoudn’t gain weight unless they are more than 10 pounds below normal levels. When a patient is underweight due to anorexia or cachexia, such illnesses must be addressed before the CAAT protocol can begin.
Why we use Fructose and Vinegar to treat cancer:
Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg discovered more than 50 years ago that all cancer cells produce inordinate amount of lactic acid but he couldn’t explain why.
In 2001 our Institute published the first study to show that cancer cells produce excess amounts of lactic acid because they could not access the oxygen in compartments in the cells called the mitochondria. This provided evidence that cancer cells depend almost exclusively upon glycolosis or the metabolism of glucose as their major source of energy.
Dr. Spitz and Dr. Lee with other cancer researchers published studies showing that when cancer cells are deprived glucose, their energy supply is cut off which causes these cancer cells to commit suicide.
Therefore shutting down glycolosis would be one means of destroying cancer cells because energy can only be derived from glucose through the metabolic process called glycolosis.
Recently our Cancer Institute discovered that both acetic acid and citric acid could inhibit the activity of a key enzyme in glycolosis called phosphofructokinase, which in turn shuts down the process of glycolosis. Our cancer Institute is the first to introduce both fructose and vinegar as treatments for cancer because they either contain or produce acetic acid.
In conclusion, fructose and vinegar are added as supplements to the CAAT protocol because of their acetic acid properties that help shut down glycolosis, shutting off cancer cells energy supply and causing them to die off.
Phase 3: Nutritional Supplements
Nutritional supplements are based on each unique situation. For example, slow-growing cancers produce low levels of toxic free radicals. Tumor cells that grow aggressively produce large amounts of toxic free radicals. The patient will be instructed whether or not to take anti-oxidants (in a nutritional supplement), and at what dosage, according to the levels of toxic free radicals produced in the cancerous cells.
An example of how nutritional supplements can help manipulate cancer cells involves vitamin B-6 (pyroxidine) There are four amino acids essential to the synthesis of DNA. However, those amino acids cannot be synthesized without a certain enzyme, which includes vitamin B-6 among other components. Any supplement containing vitamin B-6 SHOULD NOT be taken during the first 2 months of the CAAT protocol.
The patient will be instructed as to which nutritional supplements or phytochemicals should be purchased and at what dosage strength. Keep in mind that each supplement only complements the CAAT protocol. However, when they are combined they augment the therapeutic benefits of the aminoacid, carbohydrate, and glucose reduction diet.
Parsley: Contains ingredients that can help shut down certain enzymes called Epithelial Growth Factors, which stimulate the growth and spread of cancer. ( CAAT’S amino acid reduction diet works in the same manner )
Vitamin D: Helps activate in many kinds of cancers enzymes called Phosphotases, which literally shut down the activities of other enzymes called Kinases, which are essential to the growth and reproduction of cancer cells.
Green Tea Extract: Phytochemicals in tea help shut down glycolosis (cancer cell’s main supplier of energy) and thereby help to starve cancer cells to death. These effects help complement the effects of CAAT’S carbohydrate reduction.
Anti-Oxidants: The controversy as to whether or not to treat cancer with anti-oxidants is slowly resolving with the current understanding of how they affect the activity of genes and enzymes in cancer cells. The prevailing data shows that the benefits or lack of benefits depend upon the oxidative state the cancer cells are in. Anti-oxidants taken when the cells are in a very high oxidative state may prevent cancer cells from entering apoptosis ( apoptosis is when a cancer cell commits suicide) When oxidative stress in cancer cells is only slightly above normal, anti-oxidants are then expected to stop their growth and reproduction.
Blood Chemistry: Blood tests are usually taken every 6 to 8 weeks, depending upon the results of each test. Not only is it important to monitor the tumor markers but equally important to keep abreast of the overall health of normal tissues and organs. For example, it is important to learn of the health of the kidneys and liver, whether the body is producing sufficient red and white blood cells, etc. Low albumin levels most often indicate insufficient intake of proteins in the diet and this problem would have to be addressed. CAAT is designed to attack cancer but keep the normal cells and tissues functioning harmoniously.
Whey Protein: This protein food is recommended at the breakfast meal to help meet the daily needs of amino acids for the normal cells of the body, and to help keep albumin levels normal and to help prevent edema. We recommend Whey protein purchased from the Vitamin Shoppe because it is the only brand that we have seen with no phosphorous or additional vitamins added to it.
Grits: Grits are also recommended at the breakfast meal in place of whole grains because it is low in vitamin B-6. Cancer cells require B-6 to manufacture the amino acid Glycine, which is required for DNA synthesis. Grits, instead of whole grains, therefore helps prevent cancer cells from manufacturing DNA and building new blood vessels.
Calcium D-Glucurate: This phytochemical helps the body to retain a compound called Glucuronic acid. This is necessary to eliminate both estrogen and testosterone from the body. This is why Calcium D-Glucurate is added to the regiments of patients with breast & prostate cancers. Calcium D-Glucurate is not to be confused with calcium carbonate, which is nothing more than a calcium supplement.
D-Limonene: This phytochemical found mostly in citrus fruits blocks the process called Isoprenylation, which is necessary for tumor growth factors such as the RAS gene, Epithelial Growth factor, Tyrosine Kinase, and Insulin-Like-Growth-factor, to send their signals into the nucleus of a cancer cell and directs them to grow and divide into more cancer cells.
Tocotrienols: This member of the Vitamin E family also helps shut down Isoprenylation and assists D-Limonene in blocking the actions of the various tumor growth factors. More specifically, tocotrienols shut down an enzyme called HMG-2, which is essential to the synthesis of the building blocks that form the Isoprenylation process.
Niacin: This B-Complex vitamin works with D-limonene and the Tocotrienols to shut down the process of Isoprenylation, which as mentioned above prevents the cancer promoting RAS genes from sending signals into the nucleus of the cell. Niacin also helps deplete thee amino acid Glycine, which cancer cells need to synthesize DNA. And by reducing cholesterole in the body, Niacin helps lower the production of estrogen and testosterone.
Choline: This B-complex vitamin is included in our supplement list to help the liver metabolize Niacin and other compounds and to help fight fatigue that accompanies most forms of cancer.
Selenium: Numerous studies show that this mineral can interfere with the activity of certain genes that promote the growth of cancer and to induce cancer cells to commit suicide (apoptosis)
Perilla Oil: This oil is rich in Alpha Linolenic Acid which can inhibit the growth of cancer cells in several ways. One way is to inhibit the synthesis in the body of a tumor growth promotin hormone called Prostaglandin-2, also, Alpha Linolenic Acid inhibits the actions of certain genes that promote the growth of cancer cells. Linolenic acid is not to be confused with linoleic acid, which is a bad fat that stimulates the growth of cancer cells. This bad fat, linoleic acid, is found in all vegetable oils and nuts (With the exception of coconut oil). Olive oil has the least amount of this bad fat.
Super Miraforte: This herb impairs the synthesis of estrogen from testosterone in the body and is included in the regiments of women with breast cancer.Licorice Root Extract & Pantothenic Acid: This herb and vitamin are added to the regiment when it is desirable to produce steroid like actions in the body. Also used to help patient’s gain weight and to inhibit the growth of lymphomas and leukemia’s.
Resveratrol: This phytochemical blocks the actions of a number of a number of cancer promoting genes thereby causing cancer cells to enter into apoptosis (cell death) and is included in the treatment of all cancers.
Indole-3 Carbinol & D.I.M.: These two phytochemicals block the actions of both estrogen and testosterone and are included in the regiments of both breast and prostate gland cancer.
Melatonin: Numerous studies show that this hormone blocks the synthesis of the cancer promoting chemicals in the body called Leukotrienes, and is included in the treatment of all cancers.
Artho Pro System: This combination of herbs and phytochemicals inhibits the synthesis of the cancer promoting hormone called Prostaglandin-2 and the Leukotriens and replaces the drug celebrex when liver problems are present. The Prostaglandin hormone is over active in most cancers and stimulates cancer growth. The body manufactures the Prostaglandin hormone from the bad fat, Linoleic acid, mentioned above.
Licorice Root Extract & Pantothenic Acid: This HERB and VITAMIN are added to the regiment when it is desirable to produce steroid like actions in the body. Used also to help patients gain weight and ti inhibit the growth of Lymphomas and Leukemias.