Saturday, October 27, 2007

Prostate Cancer Prevention


The male hormone testosterone is considered a major factor in the development of prostate cancer. In the January l997 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute is a report showing that testosterone stimulates cells in the prostate to produce the cancer causing free radicals.

In the December l996 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, a report shows that men who took a nutritional supplement called selenomethionine over a seven year period had a 67 percent reduction in the incidence of cancer of the prostate.

Selenium is a mineral and a major component of the enzyme called glutathione, which is considered one of the most potent anti-oxidants in existence, and one of the most powerful members of the Cancer Detox System. Methionine through its production of cysteine makes possible the synthesis of glutathione within the cells of the body. Selenomethionine therefore protects the prostate against cancer by neutralizing or destroying the toxic, cancer causing free radicals produced in the cells by testosterone and other metabolic factors.

Other major factors that stimulate the cells of the prostate to produce an excess of the oxygen free radicals, which increase one's risk of developing cancer of this gland, include:
OBESITY & ISCHEMIA. Overeating, regardless of whether carbohydrates, fats or proteins, leads to obesity. Excess fat cells impair the flow of blood to the cells of the prostate (ischemia), which prevents these cells from synthesizing a chemical called ATP. This deficiency causes a whole series of chemical reactions to take place in the cells, causing them to produce an excess of the cancer-causing free radicals. Constipation can also cause ischemia. Large fecal stools with delayed elimination can reduce blood flow to the prostate. After the elimination the ischemia is broken, resulting in a rush of flow of blood to the prostate. This process of occlusion and reperfusion of blood results in a build up of the cancer causing free radicals, henceforth, increasing the risk of prostate cancer.

OVER-THE-COUNTER & PRESCRIPTION DRUGS. The daily abuse of these drugs depletes the body's stores of glucuronic acid. The Cancer Detox System uses glucuronic acid to regulate blood levels of testosterone and to eliminate cancer causing chemicals from the body. A phytochemical found in fruits and vegetables called d-glucarate enhances the process known as glucuronicidation (a process by which glucuronic acid is conjugated with testosterone or a cancer causing chemical and flushed out of the body). This helps to prevent against cancer of the prostate. We recommend every man over the age of 35 take supplements of calcium d-glucarate daily as a preventative to prostate cancer.

SMOKING. The chemicals in cigarette smoke can produce ischemia to the prostate and thereby increase one's risk of developing cancer of this gland by increasing production of free radicals in the cells.

ALCOHOl. Abuse of alcohol can impair the liver's production of glucuronic acid. This increases the risk of prostate cancer.

DIETARY DEFICIENCIES. Poor eating habits can weaken the Cancer Detox System. This increases the risk of prostate cancer. A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that vitamin E supplements reduce the incidence of prostate cancer by 25%. A healthy Cancer Detox System is the key to the prevention of cancer of the prostate gland.

INSULIN-LIKE GROWTH FACTOR (ILGF). Most current studies now show that blood levels of the insulin-like growth factors (ILGF), to be a more accurate marker for determining the presence of cancer of the prostate than the PSA levels.

The Cancer Institute recommends that every man begin at the age of 35 to test his blood levels of the ILGF. He should then follow up with tests every 3 to 5 years, depending upon the results of each test.

The Cancer Institute also cautions men not to take a nutritional supplement called DHEA, or the growth hormone, without first testing blood levels of these compounds.

Following the Cancer Institute's dietary and nutritional supplements guidelines is the best possible means of maintaining a healthy and effective Cancer Detox System. Keep in mind that life-style abuses can overload the Cancer Detox System and increase the risk of cancer in any part of the body, including the prostate gland
